Key Market Indicators:
More than 50 unique tools
What matters today?
07. Feb, 38th day of the year, 327 days remaining until EoY
Chief Editor's 3-Minute morning briefing
BGFL Classic

Being intensively involved with shares yourself is definitely good. However, it is usually even better to communicate with other investors. After all, better informed investors usually make better decisions - and it's probably more fun to make new contacts. We have created a place on where investors can exchange views on individual stocks, strategies or even other topics. Feel free to post your questions on specific investment topics here. There is sure to be someone who can help. And yes, of course you can also present your favourite shares in our community and do a little advertising for them.

The clear focus of (BGFL) is on shares from Germany - and here we again focus editorially on the area of small caps. Our selection of small caps in the database, which we maintain completely ourselves, is correspondingly large. Including all companies from DAX, MDAX, SDAX & Co. you will find comprehensive key figures on more than 650 shares. This population is always changing, e.g. due to new issues or, conversely, squeeze-outs and insolvencies. In this overview you will find the current coverage list of BGFL, enriched with the date of inclusion in the database as well as the date of the most recent update.

The coverage universe provides you with an overview of all the shares currently analysed by (BGFL). The majority of these are companies from Germany. The rest are usually from Austria, Switzerland or Luxembourg. However, there is no fixed delimitation. The composition also changes as a result of IPOs and delistings. We also show the change in price of the respective shares compared to the previous day as well as the current market capitalisation. For further key figures, use our Fundamental Scanner. We are certain that you will hardly find any other source with such comprehensive information, especially for the otherwise often neglected area of specialised stocks. 

Regardless of whether you call the site IR Cockpit, Investor Relations Quick Check or simply IR Dates: Nowhere else will you find the most important dates of the companies from DAX, MDAX, TecDAX, SDAX and Scale as compactly presented as here - from the annual figures to the quarterly data. All dates are constantly updated by us. To do this, we regularly search the financial calendars of the companies and look at the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) daily for the AGM dates. Particularly in the case of smaller companies, it is sometimes the case that even the dates on their own website are not particularly well maintained. We have supplemented our IR cockpits with important share performance data.

A super cool dividend overview! In this daily updated tool, we show you the 5 stocks with the highest dividend yield in the respective AGM month. This allows you to better plan your dividend strategy throughout the year, even if by far the most AGMs take place between April and July. Click on the dot or dash symbols to change the view. In addition, we offer informative special evaluations in the "Extra statistics" section - for example, on the frequency with which individual shares were placed in the yield charts of the past years. If the dividends are still estimates, these come from

RegSHO (lite) is the predecessor tool of our short-selling tool RegSHO, which has been extended by many extra functions. However, since RegSHO (lite) also has very useful functions for the analysis of short-selling activities, we continue to offer the tool. In particular, the key date-related listing of shortseller quotas for individual stocks makes the analyser so helpful. As with the premium tool RegSHO, the source data comes from the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) - we then enrich the data with information from the database of (BGFL). Background: Short sellers bet on falling prices and are thus a good indicator for possibly overvalued shares.

Tags: #Shortseller

A rather inconspicuous annual statistic at first glance, but one that says a lot about the mood of the individual stock market months. Since the beginning of 2021, we have entered the number of shares whose prices have reached an all-time high (ATH) for each month. So far, January 2021 is the front-runner with a record high of 78 shares. With the help of the ATH statistics you can easily see whether the domestic overall market - the basis of the evaluation is all stocks from the database of - is rather on a diving station or already in a hot phase. All-time highs are anything but a sell signal; they are often even seen as the entry into a chart area without resistance.

Stock splits are a popular instrument for visual price maintenance. They are used by companies whose share price reaches a visually high level. This already makes it clear: stock splits are particularly popular in good stock market times. In this context, the term "free shares" is often used somewhat flippantly. But there is nothing for free. In balance sheet terms, the conversion of reserves into subscribed capital increases the number of shares. The value of the company remains unaffected. Ultimately, it is a psycho effect - but it usually works well and has a stimulating effect on trading volume. In our Stock Split Monitor we provide an overview of all important splits.

Tags: #sharesplit

When companies change their name, it can have many reasons: Usually, mergers, changes in business purpose or the desire for a new image are the main triggers. Particularly on the stock exchange, it also happens time and again that companies evoke negative associations among investors because of their history - which is bad for the share price. So a change of name also stands for a new start. For many years we have meticulously maintained an overview of the name changes of listed German companies. You're sure to bring back a lot of memories when you scroll through it. Share knowledge of a different kind - also for the stock exchange regulars' table. A very unique tool!

It remains a hot topic in the small cap scene, even if the legislator has made improvements: The delisting decisions of listed companies. It is true that for shares from the regulated market segments a closing offer in the amount of the six-month average price is prescribed in the meantime. However, this rule does not apply to companies from the open market. Bitter: Our exclusive list of delistings since 2014 is getting longer and longer, and an end to developments is hardly in sight. However, stock exchange trading for private investors is not completely impossible even after the delisting has been implemented. Most securities will continue to be traded on individual regional exchanges (especially Hamburg).

Tags: #Delisting

Valuable background information and well-founded assessments of individual shares from Germany are provided by studies from research houses such as Montega, GBC, First Berlin, BankM, GSC Research, Sphene Capital and SRC Research. On this page, (BGFL) provides an integrated overview of all analyst recommendations that come in via the EQS Group newsfeed - each enhanced with charts from TradingView as well as useful tables of key figures and compact investor information and recommendations for action from BGFL. It is therefore definitely worth taking a regular look at the various analysts' assessments of the shares in our database.

In this overview, (BGFL) presents you with the year-end closing prices for all shares from our database. The prices refer to Xetra and are retroactively adjusted for stock splits or similar measures. A very useful table not only for statistics fans. For example, the valuation on the last trading day of each year often also plays an important role for tax purposes. Detached from this, we use the year-end price in BGFL's digitised and further developed 3-pillar strategy, which was originally developed by a regular reader of uns. Perhaps good to know: We have always obtained the share prices on from Teletrader (baha group).

When shareholders look at a company's annual report, a look at the auditor's note is one of the standard queries. (BGFL) provides an overview of the basic information on the auditors of the respective companies in this auditor (lite) tool. We also offer a range of additional information: The sales revenues refer to the past business year. The stock market value is updated daily. Clicking on "Profile" takes you to the respective BGFL share overview, "IR" to the company's homepage, and the "EQS" column provides current news. For more detailed information, we recommend the BGFL tool "Wirtschaftsprüfer pro".

We sent out the first issue of BGFL WEEKLY at the beginning of February 2018. Since then, the number of users has steadily increased. We consider the opening rate, which is far above average compared to other newsletters, to be a great success and we are pleased about the many positive feedbacks from readers. In the free newsletter, we present the editorial highlights of the past few days in compact form and report on exciting internal information about (BGFL). The newsletter is always published on Fridays - usually in the afternoon. In our newsletter archive you can easily browse through previous issues of BGFL WEEKLY.

The profile pages developed by (BGFL) for the individual stocks are clearly dominated by fundamental data from our own portfolio. However, we also realise that a chart often says more than 1,000 words - or in this case key figures. That is why we provide you with extensive chart tools (line and candle sticks) from our co-operation partner TradingView. This provides you with the best possible support when it comes to analysing shares.

By far the most important platform for official company news is EQS News. combines the current ad hoc announcements or other company news from our database with charts from TradingView and other useful links, thereby creating added value for investors who prefer to find out about all important developments in a timely manner using the original source . We also offer the option of filtering the news by market segments such as Prime Standard or General Standard or indices (DAX, MDAX, etc.). Optionally, you can also access analyst opinions that arrive via EQS in your view mask.

Lorem ipsum Interesting not only for fans of Bavaria and Munich - our overview of all shares from the m:access segment of the Bavarian stock exchange in Munich. To maximise its usefulness, we have enriched the list, which is updated daily, with many key figures from our data universe. The m:access is a special segment founded in 2005 that is open to equity and bond issuers. The admission requirements and follow-up obligations are tailored to the needs of small and mid caps. Interesting fact: The Munich Stock Exchange regularly organises investor conferences with individual companies from m:access, which often attends and subsequently reports on.m:access desc

When insiders - such as board members or supervisory board members - trade shares in their own company, these transactions usually provide valuable signals for private investors. The Augsburg-based research company GBC has been analysing the directors' dealings (DD) of all listed companies based in German-speaking countries since 2007 and has created a corresponding index since September 2016: The GBC Insider Focus Index (GBC IFX). The GBC IFX contains up to 100 stocks and is adjusted weekly. We present the current composition of the index, enriched with key figures from our database. A very useful overview - not only for fans of directors' dealings.

Based on the Insider Focus Index, the Augsburg-based research house GBC initiated a certificate in July 2017 (WKN: UBS1GB), with which private investors can also convert the analysed insider signals into an investment. The issuer is the Swiss bank UBS. You can follow which shares are currently included in the GBC DD Value Certificate at any time in this overview. Background: When insiders - such as board members or supervisory board members - trade shares in their own company, these transactions usually provide valuable signals for investors. GBC has been analysing the reportable directors dealings of all listed companies from German-speaking countries since 2007. (BGFL) is continuously expanding its editorial offer. So you can look forward to seeing what our team of developers is currently working on. At this point we would like to give you, dear BGFL readers, a hint or a request: If you have an idea for a new tool or other extensions of the content on, please send an e-mail to: We will be happy to discuss it with our team and to come up with new ideas. We will be happy to discuss it with our team and see what we can do. In this way, we have already implemented an enormous number of suggestions and are therefore particularly proud of this form of "user generated content". After all, who has such committed users as

Charting techniques are also jokingly referred to as the "graphic biofeedback of stock market speculators". However, we at (BGFL) do not want to go into the frequently encountered tension between fundamental stock analysis and chart technology. The fact is that every investor who is interested in a particular share will first take a look at its price performance. And indeed, share charts definitely provide exciting ideas for potential investments. Accordingly, BGFL has set up extensive chart shows - with special rankings or individually curated content. So take a look and let yourself be inspired.


With its consistent focus on German equities - and the small cap sector in particular - (BGFL) has deliberately positioned itself as a niche provider with very high quality standards. We realise that many topics that are also relevant for investors and savers are not covered on BGFL. In order to close this gap, we present smart X-tern solutions from other companies in the financial sector on BGFL EXTRA, which in turn have special expertise in their niche. The spectrum ranges from securities accounts, interest rate offers, loans and account connections to clever insurance offers.

Here we provide you with an interactive newsfeed focussing on knowledge transfer in the field of finance. The information is provided by our co-operation partner Garno Media GmbH, which operates the popular platform If you are active in the field of knowledge transfer and are interested in increasing your reach via, please contact us. We offer various solutions for this. This is just one of many possibilities that makes available to co-operation partners.

Exciting extra offers beyond our classic topics on German shares. In this section you can see which listed companies can be traded with and without margin via contracts for difference (CFD). The information on this page is aimed at investors who are familiar with higher-risk forms of investment. Contracts for difference can be used to hedge individual shares as well as portfolios against price losses. Anyone interested in derivatives that can be used to track the price performance of indices, commodities or currencies, both long and short, can get a non-binding impression here.
BGFL Freemium

We are particularly proud of this financial calendar, which we developed ourselves. After all, we spend a lot of time every day keeping the publication dates of the annual reports, the individual quarterly figures (Q1 to Q4) and the date of the annual general meeting up to date. In doing so, we check - as many other providers do - not only the dates for the well-known companies from the DAX, MDAX or SDAX, but for all of the approximately 650 companies from our database. So it is definitely worth taking a daily look at this tool with its built-in cool extra statistics and preparing yourself for the trading day or the trading week.

Tags: #AGM, #Numbers, #Dates regularly collects the most important balance sheet figures for the approximately 650 companies from its database and then places the annual reports on its own server. And here it comes: On this overview page you will find all annual reports - if available - since 2007 for free download! More information is hardly possible in such a concentrated form. The ideal reference work for private investors and academics alike. Tip: Also visit BGFL's satellite site with more than 9,000 annual reports and securities prospectuses for free download.

We like to go out on a limb with this tool: the Fundamental Scanner is definitely Champions League when it comes to the analysis and filtering options of the shares from our database. There is hardly a key figure from our repertoire that we have not included here. The Fundamental Scanner is easy to use, lightning fast and self-explanatory. In any case, there is not a day when we do not use the analyser for our own work and for generating investment ideas. As always with (BGFL), all data is maintained by us. Extra tip: You can also use the sister chart tool "Top-Flop Interactive".

The classic from the (BGFL) tool family - and still as popular and good as on the first day: With our Top-Flop Interactive performance tool, you can record in a flash which shares from our database are on the winning side and which stocks have a negative price trend. All filter options are available to you: Different time periods, indices or sectors. Even at the Finanblog Awards 2023 of comdirect bank, the expert jury highlighted our performance tool in a particularly positive way. Tip: You can also use our exclusive sister tool "Fundamental Scanner". This will put you in a perfect position to make your investment decisions.

The 3-pillar strategy was developed by a reader on an Excel basis and later transformed by us into a digital, interactive tool. Core approach: For each year with a rising share price, higher dividend and improved earnings per share, there is one point - for each discipline. This means a maximum of 3 points per year, no matter how big the share price increase or the profit improvement. The higher the score at the end over different time intervals, the better. Important: The top scorers in the "3-pillar strategy" are usually not necessarily stocks with a particularly low P/E ratio, but companies that deliver continuously over many years. A mega tool for value fans!

Something very special is our "All-Time-High-Timeline", because here we list the record highs of the shares from our database in chronological order. As far as we know, there is nothing like this on any other financial website in Germany. We put a lot of energy into maintaining this tool, because we enter all the all-time data manually. In strong stock market phases, this can easily take 30 to 50 minutes per day. But we think the result is impressive. Good to know: The all-time highs refer to prices within one trading day. As a rule, these are Xetra prices, otherwise we use the trading venue with the highest turnover.

With the Permanent Screening, (BGFL) facilitates the search for attractive stocks. The idea: All stocks in the table meet a catalogue of fundamental and chart-technical minimum requirements. The same nine hurdles are always applied to the roughly 650 stocks we cover. In addition, there is BGFL's current assessment. This does not necessarily have to be a "buy", even if the share meets all the screening criteria. Good to know: In bad times for the stock market, it is sometimes the case that no stock meets all the requirements. On the other hand, the list can quickly become quite long in good phases. Overall, however, the permament screening is a clever idea generator.

In this scoring model developed by (BGFL), points are awarded for fundamental and chart aspects according to a sophisticated procedure. The evaluation takes into account: The P/E ratio and the dividend yield - each weighted over various years, the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio), chart-technical constellations such as the distance to the 200- and 60-day line as well as performance data over five different time periods. At the end, the points collected from fundamental and chart topics are added 50:50 to an overall score. The higher the score, the better. Feel free to drop by and check the score of your favourite stocks. The ranking is updated daily.

For a long time, auditors stood somewhat on the sidelines of stock market activity. But at the latest since the Wirecard scandal, the auditors' reports have come under much closer scrutiny. Yet the auditor's report in the annual reports has always been compulsory reading for investors. In the "Advanced" version of our auditor tools we compile - compared to the Lite version - significantly expanded information about the respective auditors of the companies from the database of (BGFL) and offer many statistics and links. Everything is completely developed and maintained by us. A tool that is certainly also super useful for auditors.

Despite prominent IPOs such as Porsche, the number of new issues and listings in Germany has been at a rather low level for years. In addition, companies such as BionTech or Birkenstock choose to list in the USA because valuations are generally higher there. Nevertheless, there is also regular growth on the stock market in this country. In this overview of new issues we show you a chronological list of IPOs (Initial Public Offering) and listings on German stock exchanges. We have also included all the listed shares in the database of (BGFL). In addition, however, there may have been listings on regional stock exchanges which are not shown here.

Some companies distribute their dividends from special reserves and declare the profit participation as "tax-free". However, these distributions from the tax deposit account in the sense of §27 KStG - as it is technically called - are only tax-free for investors who already have the respective share in their securities account before 2009. Nevertheless, this form of dividend is extremely popular with investors. However, the information is difficult to obtain. therefore compiles a new table every year based on the tax information in the AGM invitation and the information from the Federal Gazette. It is therefore worth taking a regular look at this exclusive overview. (BGFL) is continuously expanding its editorial offer. So you can be curious about what our development team is currently working on. At this point we would like to give you, dear BGFL readers, a hint or a request: If you have an idea for a new tool or other extensions of the content on, please send an e-mail to: We will be happy to discuss it with our team and to come up with new ideas. We will be happy to discuss it with our team and see what we can do. In this way, we have already implemented an enormous number of suggestions and are therefore particularly proud of this form of "user generated content". After all, who has such committed users as

These exclusive special analyses by (BGFL) on the monthly dividend hits show how often the respective share has already occupied a place in the top 5 of the respective monthly charts over the course of the past years. The central message of the overview: the more years (or the higher the sum), the more suitable the share is for investors who value a sustainably attractive dividend yield. A really useful addition to our overview with the monthly dividend hits, which has been popular for many years. As always, all data comes from BGFL and is updated regularly - from microcaps to blue chips from the DAX.

Here, (BGFL) presents you with an overview of all 40 shares from the DAX with the percentage gap of the current price to the highest price ever reached. In addition, you can find out the current difference to the 52-week high. This is important information, especially for investors with a chart-technical orientation. The record high - often called all-time high (ATH) - as well as the corresponding date refer to Xetra data during the course of the day (intraday). The table is updated daily. Important message for investors: Shares that are close to their record high are not necessarily overvalued. Often, a new record high actually releases fresh upside potential.

Especially newcomers to the stock market often look at the share price to classify a stock as expensive or cheap. However, the share price does not say anything at all; what is decisive is the total market value of a company. It is calculated from the share price times the number of outstanding shares. In this exclusive overview, we have summarised the stock market values of the companies at the end of each financial year - if available since 2013. Good to know: For all values, the calculation of the market capitalisation is based on the number of shares valid on the respective reporting date. Accordingly, (BGFL) has done a lot of manual work in creating the tables.

Tags: #MarketCap, #EoY

Popular with readers for years: With the help of this overview you can see how the individual shares from our database are currently valued in historical comparison. The 10-year averages are the arithmetic mean - calculated from the respective year-end prices of the individual stocks as well as the associated earnings per share (P/E), book values (KBV) and dividends for this year. The data for the current P/E ratio are based on forecasts from The P/E ratio is based on the latest balance sheet figures. The dividend yield refers to the payout we expect. The table is updated daily. (BGFL) has always consistently used modern visualisation techniques to facilitate the selection of interesting shares. Unique possibilities are offered, for example, by the presentation of important stock ratios via heat maps. We are sure: The heat maps known from weather forecasts are much more than a toy. Here they get a concentrated load of financial information. And of course - it's also fun to use. On this page we offer you an overview with all our heatmaps: From various P/E heatmaps to more chart-based key figures such as the distance to the 200-day line. All data are "powered by".

The big Top 5 show: (BGFL) lists rankings, top scorers and other special rankings on several tools and tables. To show how diverse BGFL is, we created this overview page with all kinds of "top 5 charts". It's crazy what all this has come up with since BGFL was founded in spring 2013. Basically, we only show a small part of our complete range here. Feel free to click on the respective Top 5, you will then be redirected to the respective original page on or An overview page that we look at ourselves again and again - also to generate new ideas.

With our Dividend Calendar Pro, you can delve deep into the topic of distributions and, in addition to important basic information such as AGM dates, dividends and dividend yields, also get a visual impression of the seasonal distribution of annual general meetings (AGM). Virtually all fields are clickable and offer useful extras. It's best to simply test them out. You will be surprised how much information we have integrated into this first-class tool. All "Made by BGFL", of course. Editor's tip: You can also use the financial calendar developed by us for all relevant dates of the companies in our coverage universe. (BGFL) is also regularly appreciated in the financial scene for its regional stock market statistics on individual cities or even federal states. After all, this is data that is otherwise hard to come by. At the same time, they provide highly interesting insights into Germany as a financial centre. Here we present an interactive ranking of the home cities of the companies in our database. The overview can be sorted according to all criteria and is updated daily. The stock market value of a city corresponds to the total market capitalisation of all listed companies based in that city.

Originally, we did not want to include master data such as company headquarters, address, etc. in our database. However, we soon realised that these data - which are rather "soft" from a normal point of view - can be used to make very nice evaluations. So we changed our approach and have since been collecting comprehensive address coordinates for all the companies in our database. Take a look for yourself: With BGFL Maps, we have combined the regional master data in our database with the map material from Google Maps. The result is a great stock market tool that also works without balance sheet ratios. We know of no comparable service on other financial portals.

Looking for shares that have recently reached a record high? Here you will find detailed all-time high statistics on the shares in our database - updated daily.

In the short term, the amount of the current dividend is naturally the relevant investment criterion for most investors. Clever stock market investors, however, always look at the long-term dividend history to get an impression of how sustainable the respective company is in its dividend strategy. (BGFL) offers the corresponding time series. If these are still estimates, they are provided by BGFL. Historical values are adjusted for possible stock splits. As with most of our tools, you can also filter by specific market segments or indices. Usefulness is our top priority!

Shares with a high short-selling ratio are considered potentially overvalued and are thus at risk of crashing. Private investors can take advantage of this circumstance by using derivatives - just like institutional short-sellers and hedge funds - to bet on falling share prices of the companies concerned. With our shortseller tool RegSHO we have developed probably the most powerful tool ever for this investment approach. The raw data comes from the electronic Federal Gazette, and we have linked it to the extensive BGFL database. Click your way through the individual functions and sorting options. A real premium tool!

A company's own website - including an investor relations section and career opportunities - has long been part of the standard programme. But what about the presence of companies in social networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube or X (formerly Twitter)? In this exclusive overview, (BGFL) offers direct links to all social media channels of the individual companies. On top of that, there is the plus code for the map link to the company headquarters as well as the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) with all important regulatory data. An overview that is probably not available in this form anywhere else for the German stock market - typical BGFL.

At first glance a rather inconspicuous tool, but the impression is deceptive: With our stock market value calculator we offer you a clever interactive supplementary tool for our short sale analyser RegSHO Adavanced. With the help of the calculator you can quickly determine the equivalent value of individual short seller positions. But also independent of the complex of shortseller activities, the calculator provides many possibilities to determine the position size of investments - in relation to the stock market value. For this purpose, there are preset portfolio shares, but you can also enter individual sizes. The calculations are based on the companies' share master data, which we update on an ongoing basis.

Based on the BGFL DivA dividend traffic light system developed by - which can be found in our exclusive AGM overview Dividend Calendar Pro - we have developed useful extra statistics on the individual dividend years. For all known German indices and years. These analyses are particularly helpful for investors who are interested in extensive histories. All data is regularly updated by us and is unlikely to be found elsewhere in this form for the 650 or so shares analysed by BGFL (mainly from Germany). A great supplementary tool for dividend fans.

BGFL Prime
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.

With the "Advanced Pro" version from our auditor tool family, we provide you with a powerful version that visually focuses on the distribution of mandates across the selection indices - from DAX to TecDAX. In addition, you can display the individual mandates of the auditors by linking to the "Advanced" version of the tool. In addition, you also have the option here to view further master data of the auditors. To do so, simply click on the "P" (profile). The standard sorting in the overview is according to the amount of the fees. But of course you can also display this tool individually.

BGFL Entertainment

The stock market does not always have to be a humour-free zone. With our self-developed stock wheel of fortune, we have developed our first "fun tool" with which individual stocks from the database of (BGFL) can be displayed by random generator. A positive side effect is that this way you get to know a lot of stocks that you probably wouldn't otherwise have on your radar. For this very purpose, we have included extensive key figure portraits on the respective companies. And who knows, maybe the wheel of fortune will even provide one or two ideas for your portfolio. But beware: the wheel of fortune is almost addictive.

Dataselect Coming Soon
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis. (BGFL) is continuously expanding its editorial offer. So you can look forward to seeing what our team of developers is currently working on. At this point we would like to give you, dear BGFL readers, a hint or a request: If you have an idea for a new tool or other extensions of the content on, please send an e-mail to: We will be happy to discuss it with our team and to come up with new ideas. We will be happy to discuss it with our team and see what we can do. In this way, we have already implemented an enormous number of suggestions and are therefore particularly proud of this form of "user generated content". After all, who has such committed users as

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Wir entwickeln unsere Too-Familie laufend weiter. Möglicherweise könnte hier eine Alarmfunktion für All-Time-Highs entstehen. Wenn Sie andere Ideen haben, schicken Sie uns gern eine E-Mail an: (BGFL) is continuously expanding its editorial offer. So you can look forward to seeing what our team of developers is currently working on. At this point we would like to give you, dear BGFL readers, a hint or a request: If you have an idea for a new tool or other extensions of the content on, please send an e-mail to: We will be happy to discuss it with our team and to come up with new ideas. We will be happy to discuss it with our team and see what we can do. In this way, we have already implemented an enormous number of suggestions and are therefore particularly proud of this form of "user generated content". After all, who has such committed users as

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
BGFL Enterprise
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.

Traditionally, the dates for the Annual General Meetings (AGM) are concentrated in the months of May, June and July. There is a simple reason for this: according to the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act, the AGM must take place in the first eight months of the financial year. And as the financial year and calendar year are identical for most companies, the AGM must be held by the end of August. In this overview, (BGFL) shows how the AGM dates of the companies in our database are actually distributed over the year. A really exciting visualisation - especially for dividend fans and visitors to AGMs.

Tags: #AGM, #Dividend has always been enthusiastic about the possibilities now offered by the visualisation of financial information. So what could be more obvious than to show the contents of our database not only in classic columns of figures, but also in graphical form? Here we present a series of special analyses in visualised form. The selection includes heat maps, dividend charts, chart shows and an unusual analysis of the websites of all companies in the (BGFL) database.


Attention IR managers, communications agencies and board members: Do you want to increase the visibility of your company or client on the capital market - in a reputable environment with the best reputation? Then soft coverage by is an interesting option for you. As part of such a soft coverage agreement, we offer sustained commentary on news relevant to the share price: From the latest financial figures and important product innovations to board presentations at capital market conferences. Soft coverage also regularly includes an interview at C-level. Many small and mid-cap companies have been using this service for years.

Nothing beats first-hand information. For many years, we have regularly interviewed board members of small and mid-cap companies on current topics, business models and strategic plans. If you as a board member, press spokesperson or IR agency are interested in an in-depth interview with, please contact us. By the way: Our editorial soft coverage offers regularly include an interview with a board member. Interested? Simply send an e-mail to We will find the right media package to make your company better known on the capital market in the long term.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
We are constantly developing our Too family. A job portal for jobs in the IR sector could possibly be created here. If you have any other ideas, please send us an e-mail to:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed accumsan massa, ac dignissim dui. Nunc nulla lectus, efficitur vel felis vitae, hendrerit faucibus nisl. Proin sagittis, orci mollis facilisis congue, nisi magna egestas tellus, vel ultrices mauris diam ac nisi. Aenean molestie, nisi quis cursus elementum, risus lorem faucibus lacus, ultrices ultricies dui ex at enim. In in lacus finibus, viverra dolor quis, euismod ex. Nullam lorem ex, commodo eu augue vitae, lacinia viverra lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus id convallis felis. Integer nec ante eu velit vehicula elementum sagittis at lacus. Suspendisse iaculis viverra molestie. Etiam vitae aliquet erat. In pretium ante id purus fringilla mollis.

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Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. All tools are based on a completely self-maintained database for more than 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.


Idea & concept: 3R Technologies GmbH Copyright © 2025 by Gereon Kruse #BGFL