Chartsignals Select

Technical analysis

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In this chart selection, individually curated by (BGFL), we present interesting daily share price trends from our data pool of around 650 stocks, which not every investor has on their radar in this mix. Tip: You can also use our "Ultimate Top 5 Chart Show".

Here we show a selection of shares from our database whose prices have recently moved at an above-average rate.
Good IPO-Performance
Kurs: 26,74
Hauck Aufhäuser: Target 52 Euro
Kurs: 42,05
Boosting large orders
Kurs: 27,80
Annual figures well received
Kurs: 55,10
Share celebrates comeback
Kurs: 14,78
Selection of stocks that may be about to be included (excluded) in an index or that have recently been included (excluded).
Back direction 6 Euro
Kurs: 4,81
Speculation on US approval
Kurs: 2,27
good performance recently
Kurs: 15,76
Outlook 2024 raised
Kurs: 48,00
Forecast for 2024 confirmed
Kurs: 1,76
#BGFL-CHARTSHOW: Standard stocks
Standard stocks - preferably from the DAX or MDAX - with a conspicuous chart pattern or interesting fundamental news.
Analysts advise buying in
Kurs: 58,30
Note regains strength
Kurs: 45,53
On the way to a record high
Kurs: 223,80
High upside potential
Kurs: 3,91
#BGFL-CHARTSHOW: Young companies with potential
A selection of young companies curated by BGFL that we believe have great growth potential in the coming years.
Bet on Raisin-IPO
Kurs: 10,20
Scaling is gradually taking effect
Kurs: 2,04
Another capital increase
Kurs: 0,66
Montega: Target price 11 EUR
Kurs: 5,15
First Berlin: Target price 14.50 EUR
Kurs: 6,75
#BGFL-CHARTSHOW: Hidden Champs
A selection curated by BGFL of rather unknown companies that are among the market leaders in their field.
Very solid balance sheets
Kurs: 41,68
Profitable special machines
Kurs: 118,60
Top position in radio traffic
Kurs: 26,50
Solid on the road
Kurs: 58,50
Exciting construction supplier
Kurs: 48,00
Interesting microcaps with a market capitalisation of less than EUR 15 million
Nice outlook until 2027
Kurs: 0,91
Favourably valued share
Kurs: 1,67
Hot digital bet
Kurs: 2,48
Attractive dividend
BankM: Target 30 Euro
Kurs: 23,80
#BGFL-CHARTSHOW: Soft-Coverages

Selection of companies with which we do editorial soft coverage

Almost a classic
Kurs: 53,20
Lot of recurring revenues
Kurs: 42,60
Attractive Turnaround-Story
Kurs: 2,64
Share price gains momentum
Kurs: 9,20
Expensive Cloud investments
#BGFL-CHARTSHOW: Dividend-Heroes
A selection of companies curated by BGFL that have been paying attractive dividends for years.
AGM-date: 13.02.2025
Kurs: 189,26
AGM date: 13.02.2025
Kurs: 18,20
AGM-date: 18.03.2025
Kurs: 56,20
AGM-date: 19.03.2025
Kurs: 37,80
AGM-date: 27.03.2025
Kurs: 4,52
Hot stocks with a lot of price potential, but also risks. The shares are therefore only suitable for speculative investors.
New start with hydropower
Recovery after mega crash?
Kurs: 12,10
Enormous discount to NAV
Kurs: 2,74
US approval as a driver
Kurs: 8,32
Takeover speculation
Kurs: 6,50

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Good luck with all your investments

Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. All tools are based on a completely self-maintained database for more than 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.


Idea & concept: 3R Technologies GmbH Copyright © 2024 by Gereon Kruse #BGFL