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What makes (BGFL) so different from other financial websites? The answer: We maintain our own database at great expense, meticulously analyse every single annual report and record many KPIs that you won't find anywhere else. Our own earnings and dividend estimates for all of the 650 or so shares we analyse are by far Germany's largest earnings forecast. Based on this extensive data, the BGFL team has developed more than 50 unique analysers and other useful overviews. With our fee-based BGFL Prime offer, you have full access to all the tools that we have developed with great attention to detail.

Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. All tools are based on a completely self-maintained database for more than 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.