By far the most important platform for official company news is EQS News. combines the current ad hoc announcements or other company news from our database with charts from TradingView and other useful links, thereby creating added value for investors who prefer to find out about all important developments in a timely manner using the original source . We also offer the option of filtering the news by market segments such as Prime Standard or General Standard or indices (DAX, MDAX, etc.). Optionally, you can also access analyst opinions that arrive via EQS in your view mask.
Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. All tools are based on a completely self-maintained database for more than 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.