Historical market values
Prime Standard companies
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In this overview, boersengefluester.de (BGFL) presents the stock market values of the Prime Standard companies at the end of their financial year since 2014. The table shows the current composition of the Prime Standard. If members have only been listed for a short time, this is indicated by a "-". Click on the arrow in the "ID" column to open further historical data. Figures in million euros.
ID | Company | MarketCap (current) | MarketCap current./'10 % | Current Price | YtD(%) | Chart | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
For all values, the calculation of the stock market value is based on the number of shares valid on the respective reporting date - multiplied by the Xetra closing price. Accordingly, boersengefluester.de (BGFL) has done a lot of manual work in compiling the tables. If companies have ordinary shares and preference shares outstanding (in the DAX, for example, BMW, Henkel or Volkswagen), we give the added value of both classes. For companies with a financial year that differs from the calendar year, such as Infineon, Siemens, Siemens Healthineers or Siemens Energy (30 September in each case), we take the date of the end of the financial year as the reference date, otherwise the figures always refer to 31 December.
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boersengefluester.de GmbH
Copyright © 2024
by Gereon Kruse