Financial Calendar
The most important dates of the companies from our database records the most important financial dates for all companies from the database (ALLCAPS): The publication of the annual report, the individual quarterly figures and the date of the annual general meeting (AGM). In-person AGMs are labelled with a flag, virtual AGMs have a WLAN symbol. In both cases, the respective meeting locations are linked directly to Google Maps. Tip: You can also find compact overviews of dates in our IR cockpits for DAX, MDAX, TecDAX, SDAX and Scale shares.
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Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. All tools are based on a completely self-maintained database for more than 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.